Friday, February 25, 2011


Es curioso cómo en tan sólo un mes me puede dar un paso atrás y evaluar.

Hello America,
I miss my country a lot, but I love Spain. Just like the southern hospitality, there is a "Spanish Hospitality." I am slipping more and more into everyday life here and falling more and more behind on my life at home. It is as if I am living two lives. The one I am physically in: interacting with people, learning, and experiencing; and my life back in Mocksville... While I am living separate lives I am glad to say I am living less and less in the latter. It is better this way. I do not talk to Austin as much or my friends. I speak to my parents less as well. This is not to say that I do not care. Because I miss them all so much. It is much better for homesickness... and adjusting to my new home.

I have a cold. Maybe a sinus infection. And I have a three day weekend. I have been taking my laptop to school everyday because the principle likes for me to work on Spanish online during class. I think it is his personal mission that I am very fluent in Spanish by the time I leave. Maybe he finds me so interesting that he just can't wait to have a legitimate conversation with me. But I am just flattering myself. As you know I received a package from my mother last weekend. It has now been a week and I am halfway through one book and I have just finished the fourth season of Psych. I had a dream about Shawn and Gus, the main characters in Psych, the other day. It is so sad because if I saw the actors on the street I would feel like their best friend and probably strike up a conversation with them. That is how much I love that television show. I also seem to think that my detective skills are being sharpened from watching the show.

I take naps a lot less now. Mostly because I sleep very poorly at night even when I don't take a nap. All of the Americans have left and so it is just me and a bushel of Spaniards. There is a boy, Carlos, who is very friendly. He is from another class and invites me to his futbol games and out with his friends. I have not yet attended.

My philosophy teacher is my favorite. He caught me playing solitaire on my computer today and just laughed and hit me on the back of the head. And I told him a story about how the Spanish teacher made me go wash my face with cold water because I looked tired. (Even though it was just because I am sick). After telling the philosophy teacher this story he laughed very hard and called the Spanish teacher ugly. He then proceeded to let me sleep in his class. He is a wonderful man.

I would write a lot more but I am very tired. More later!

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